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2023 China-ASEAN Language and Culture Forum to kick off on Aug 29|第二届中国—东盟语言文化论坛将于29日举行

来源:当代先锋网 2023-08-29 17:21:56


2023 China-ASEAN Language and Culture Forum will be held from Aug 29 to 30 at Guiyang, China. With the theme of "Language and Culture Exchange in the Digital Era", it looks forward to the participation of government representatives and scholars in language and culture from China and ASEAN countries. It will focus on such topics as language diversity in the digital era, language and cultural exchanges and cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative, language and cross-cultural communication in the digital era, the integration of language and artificial intelligence, and the development and application of digital learning resources. The forum expects to empower language and cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and ASEAN countries via digitalization, bridge gaps through languages, promote exchanges and mutual learning among different cultures, so as to contribute to a community with a shared future for mankind.

第二届中国—东盟语言文化论坛将于2023年8月29日—30日在贵州省贵安新区中国—东盟教育交流周永久会址举行。本次论坛以“数字时代的语⾔⽂化交流”为主题,邀请中国和 东盟国家的政府代表和语⾔⽂化领域的专家学者,围绕数字时代的语⾔多样性、“⼀带⼀ 路”语⾔⽂化交流合作、数字化时代的语⾔与跨⽂化交际、语⾔与⼈⼯智能的交叉融合、数字学习资源开发与应⽤等议题进⾏交流。希望借助数字化赋能中国和东盟国家间语⾔⽂化交流合作,充分发挥语⾔的桥梁纽带作⽤,促进不同⽂明之间交流互鉴,为构建⼈类命运共同体作出积极贡献。

Editor: Chen Dawei

Senior Editor: Pang Bo

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